364. Daisy is soft. How did you make her so soft, Lord? Why did you make her so soft? And the fact that I have the ability to FEEL that subtle softness in my hands...it amazes me that my hands have "softness receptors" in them.
365. Jordan smiles. I have never had a dog that smiles. I love that, Lord. He literally lifts his gums up and shows us his teethies, just like a human...and he wiggles that bottom all over the place and even talks to us when we have been gone too long. He has been adopted into our family for a year now, Lord. Thank you that he no longer seems to be waiting for someone to come get him...I think he accepts that we are his family now.
366. The sound of the neighbor's wind chimes carrying on the breeze. The chimes are so far down the hill, yet carry...how did you make my ears to catch sound like that, Lord? How is it that you thought of creating a way for the molecules of air to vibrate in such a way that they would vibrate and vibrate until the tiny bones in my ear would vibrate and my brain would interpret that as music? It astounds me....
367. The touch of the breeze on my skin...fall is in the air...
368. The Stepping Up ladies are meeting tonight. I praise you for a group of women who want to meet to study your word and to celebrate and fellowship! Lord, I feel like Cool, California may be home at last...Thank you.
369. The boys (my husband and son) had an AWESOME time at Taladega during the past week. Now, in just a couple of hours, we get to greet them as they arrive back at the airport in Sacramento. I can't wait to hug my men...and kiss my husband. Thank you for safety and enjoyment on their trip Lord. It sounds like it was ripe with teaching and discipling moments.
370. That even though my laptop died, you enabled me to take it in stride. In the past, I would have died a thousand deaths. Lord, could it be...have I grown? I do hope so! I am not nearly so dependent on my computer as I once was.
371. This week while the boys were gone and my truck was in the shop (I couldn't trailer my horses anywhere to go riding) was actually very relaxing and laid back. Thank you for the respite, Lord.
372. Thank you for safety. My brakes were WAY past needing to be done and you kept us safe. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
373. A new sliding glass door! Now we can look out to the beauty of the world without the stains on the glass! It looks like there isn't even a door there it is so clear! Thank you!
374. The Chimichanga that I got at Main St. Pizza lasted me for THREE MEALS! Wow! I got to enjoy the last bit of it tonight for dinner. YUM. Thank you that by learning to eat between hunger and satisfaction, when I eat out, I actually get more than just one meal. It makes it so much more feasible to eat out than it used to when I would eat everything served to me. Thank you that you have changed my thinking, Lord. You have changed me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I know there is yet work to be done, but I know better than ever that you are completing that which you have begun and you ARE doing a new thing! I praise you!