Monday, August 3, 2009

#462 - AWESOME worship at Cool Church yesterday. And an incredible speaker for "pulpit supply." Wow...there was energy, joy and worship happening yesterday at church!

#463 - An INCREDIBLE time at a friend's house with my family and hers (after church). We barbequed and enjoyed playing water volleyball in the pool. It was SO much fun! We laughed so much!

#464 - For the fun it was to see my sweetie with THREE dogs on his lap at our friend's house...the fourth dog wouldn't have fit. ;-) The dogs sure conquered! LOL!

#465 - This relates to #462 I was really amazing to hear our congregation CLAP all the way through one of the songs we did in worship. That was amazing! We are a congregation that rarely claps (not sure why) folks let loose and it was SO encouraging to me!

#466 - For our youth and worship pastor...Tony. I thank God for him all the time, but today it is because we have him to lead our worship. He loves the Lord so much and it shows!

#467 - For the adventure that is ahead as we wait on the Lord to see the special gift that he is going to give our church in a new pastor! I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!

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