Sunday, January 31, 2010

# 469. That Philippians 2:13 is true...God is at work in me to will and to do according to His good purpose. For this moment, right now, I can see that this is true.

#470. The 2 Chronicles 16:9 is true, too...that as God's eyes rove over the earth, He sees my heart right now, in this moment. That I am fully committed to Him. I am so thankful that He strengthens me all the more. It is all because of Him and for Him. Thank you, Lord.

#471. That even though there are 849,038 other moments in the day when I am far from fully committed to my Lord, he nevertheless extends grace to me and forgiveness.

#472. It cost God nothing to bring the universe into existence. He spoke "Let there be" and there was. It cost him everything to bring the Church into existence. It cost the life of His precious Son... The Church is His most prized possession. Thank you, Lord. Wow...

#473. For a godly husband who has studied the Word diligently, prepared completely, practiced obsessively and will bring the Truth to the congregation in Cool today. I am so blessed that you have given me such an incredible Dad for our kids, a husband, incredibly fun best friend, and a spiritual leader of our home. Thank you, Lord.

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