Monday, February 20, 2012

514. Deep sleep when it comes.

515. The joy of hitting a tennis ball well.

516. The camaraderie I enjoy with a tennis doubles partner...and even better when we thrill to a VICTORY over our opponents!

517. A pastor who demonstrates authentic joy in the Lord.

518. A daughter who is my biggest fan.

519. A son who gives me so many reasons to laugh (and cry!) but who still loves to hug me--even at 19 years of age.

520. The wonderfully encouraging words of a literary agent who is the best in the business.

521. The anticipation of a new season of life.

522. New friends who become prayer partners.

523. The privilege of praying for and preparing for a retreat with women in Washington State. I can't wait to see what God does with us at the end of March!

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