Friday, March 22, 2013

#772. That even though my husband's commitment to the Lord and "til death do us part" has waned (evaporated, disappeared, died...whatever), he still seems to enjoy being together. It is a challenging thing to value that so much...when what I long for MOST is for him to know the *true* Jesus intimately and personally and see life as a grand adventure because of walking with the King of the Universe. Nevertheless, I am grateful today that Bob still walks with me and maybe, just maybe, he will yet fall in love with the Savior.

#773. That the change in my husband's commitment to our marriage causes me to be dependent on GOD ALONE. Nothing is certain except Christ.

#774. For the joy of the study with the people at my Thin Within Blog. It is so wonderful to see lives impacted by studying together and sharing in an online community.

#775. For a GREAT conversation on the phone yesterday with a dear long-time mentor and friend, Judy Halliday. For the future, as we link arms once again going forward. God really IS doing a new thing!

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