Saturday, August 11, 2012

#539. Great time early this week with Kathy and cousin and his wife. Daniel, Michaela and I enjoyed visiting with them so much. There is something about family that is precious. Refreshing.

#540. For a pastor who cares.

#541. That I have been invited to attend and to speak to the women at our Church's women's retreat in September--and that the date was available on my calendar!

#542. Last Sunday I had the joy of leading worship at my church. God has made me so incredibly desperate for him and because of that, I sense his presence SO powerfully. It is a joy and delight to stand in his presence.

#543. The clear blue sky that I enjoy living under in Cool, California.

#544. For my husband's job and apparent stability. Lord, let us never cling to anything but you, our only true Rock, but thank you for his job!

#545. On Tuesday of this week, in my journal at home, I thanked God for both of my children being under our roof. That isn't the case right now--nor will it be for months to come. I am grateful that in spite of my helicopter parenting, my daughter has chosen to spread her wings to an amazing Christian college. The adventure is beginning!

#546. On Wednesday of this week, I had an amazing day with my daughter. Watching recorded Olympic events, cuddling one another close, and having a cry-fest together. "Mommy, I don't want to leave." Words precious to my ears, but even more precious is the mature, wise decision of a young woman to go regardless. Oh, how proud I am of you, Michaela!

#547. That everything on the shopping-for-college list was purchased! We CONQUERED!

#548. For this bittersweet season...that Michaela and I enjoy one another that parting is hard. I am so thankful for my relationship with her.

#549. For new seasons and adventures.

#550. For a husband who is willing and able to schedule time needed to lovingly travel with Michaela all the way to Illinois (from California) to deliver her safely to her new home.

#551. That upon arriving in Wheaton, Michaela's heart was filled with humble gratitude.

#552 For sweet time with my son eating dinner out, talking about the "What ifs" of life ahead for him as he launches into his new adventure, too.

#553 That even though my son has been propelled into this adventure by default and has been less than enthusiastic, nevertheless his heart seems to be stirred by the hope of new experiences apart from mom and dad. This is as it should be!

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