Monday, April 28, 2008

Entry #27

#299 - For racers in NASCAR that aren't afraid to speak up for their faith in Jesus!

#300 - That while we were gone, Gail Ivey did something magical to transform Crazy Daisy, the Golden Retriever, into a sane dog! Thank you, Lord, for working in and through Gail, to answer prayers for Daisy we have prayed a long time!

#301 - That I could encourage someone at church yesterday who was really downcast. What a privilege it was to be Jesus with skin on for a few moments. Lord, please comfort my friend today. Help her to have strength to do what she needs to do!

#302 - For the power of praise!

#303 - My three horses here at home yesterday were so solicitous. They almost made me feel like they missed me while I was gone. I know they were all just itchy with the heat and their fur shedding out, but it was fun, nevertheless. Thank you, Lord, for that blessing of lots of pony kisses and cuddles. I am still amazed at how amazing their scent is!

#304 - My friend's horse Pete, a big Percheron cross, visited with Michaela and me on Saturday. How fun that was.

#305 - Success on the shopping trip that Michaela and I were on. We had some hard to find items and you provided them so we didn't have to drive all the way to the mall to look. THANK YOU!

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