#306 - It wasn't with silver or gold that I was redeemed from my former empty way of life, but with the precious blood of Jesus - Thank You, Lord.
#307 - I am not my own, I was bought at a price. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, that you have chosen to indwell me, to call me your own, to purchase me.
#308 - The amazing music made by 100 homeschool students and their parents last night at the end of the year recital. It is astonishing what people can do, even without "professionals" to train and guide them. Thank you that Michaela has such an amazing privilege of learning the flute and being in orchestras and in such an amazing choir.
#309 - For sustaining me last night while I did my co-op job...I asked for joy and strength and you supplied both. Thank you, Lord, so much for that. That I could do my job with joy.
#310 - Thank you for my husband's support and help last night in doing my co-op job, too, Lord.
#311 - For time with my friend, Kris, yesterday on our horses. Breezy did so well on a long-ish ride. The weather was amazing...just perfect. The conversation was far from superficial. Thank you for my friendship with Kris, Lord. May it be all you desire it to be.
#312 - For one more week with my live Thin Within group. I am so glad I have had this season to enjoy with these ladies. I truly hope that we can continue to connect. What a blessing this group has been to me. I want to do your will for what is next, Lord.
#313 - I fuss and fret and grip and complain so often about all the standards we have to meet to live here in Auburn Lake Trails, Lord. Please forgive me. Right now I am thankful that I even have horses at all...that I have a trailer to take them places in. I am thankful that I have a trailer that even needs to be "screened." I am thankful that I have the beautiful foliage and plants surrounding my home, even though I know we must do some work to comply with wildfire prevention standards. Thank you that we can live up here in a beautiful place, Lord.
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