Thursday, October 20, 2011

#492 - That even though it has been a year since I have posted anything here that I am grateful for, my life has been flooded with blessings!

#493 - For the sweetness of a quiet hour, spent in the presence of the God of the Universe! That He joins me here.

#494 - That choosing to see life, situations, and people with an eternal perspective transforms life into a rich adventure where I see that God is, indeed, doing a new thing (constantly) and He is at work!

#495 - That these light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all!

#496 - That God is taking family trials and using them to connect my sister and me at a deeper level. I sense He is wooing her and I am so eager to see what the future holds, even as my mother nears the end of her life.

#497 - Technology is amazing! It allows me to come together with 15 other women (or more) every Wednesday in a real-time chat, to encourage and to support one another. I am so thankful for this blessing!

#498 - For the joy that comes in various pleasures that God has provided--and that this pleasure, no matter how intense or wonderful--serves only as a taste--a shadow--of the pleasure that is to come in Heaven. Psalm 16:11 says: You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

#499 - For beautiful places such as Dana Point that remind me of the promise of Heaven.

#500 - For my husband...again...afresh...

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