Tuesday, November 8, 2011

501. For a crystal clear sky...ever wonder why God made the sky BLUE? It is such a beautiful color...and so "fairy tale-ish!!!"

502. The contrast of the green of the trees against the blue of the sky. Thank you, Lord, for the LIFE that is present in the world around me. In You, everything lives and moves and has its being.

503. Birds flying...God gave them hollow bones to lighten their load. Birds don't get pregnant...they'd be too heavy to fly if He had done that! Even their GI tracts are specially suited to enable them to drop waste easily, without storage, so they continue to be light enough to fly. I love the way the flight of the birds speaks of God's creativity, genius, and attention to detail!

504. For friendships on the tennis court with ladies I would never have had the joy of meeting had I not picked up a racquet again after a 15-year lay-off. I am so thankful for the broad spectrum of personalities that I have had the privilege of getting to know over the last year.

505. For technology that lets me share with friends across the world on the internet! Leading a live (in real-time) online chat with 15 women all over the globe or for the friends and visitors to the various blog sites. :)

506. That You speak even from the mouth of a donkey. You use jack-asses :-) and people who are so very different from me to speak truth into my life. I am so thankful that I don't have to agree with everything someone believes or says or thinks in order to receive a touch of truth through their voice. Thank you, Spirit, for being present ALL the time...not just when everything fits according to my perfect little plan.

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