Thursday, December 18, 2008

#391. The time that Daniel had with Pastor Mike yesterday. He felt like a million bucks that the pastor spent time with him. :-)

#392. The continued freedom I have with fasting sweets to the Lord. It is amazing to me that with this "restriction" I could experience such freedom, such a sense that a load has been lifted!

#393. That I am able to sleep so much better now that I don't drink diet soda any more. HUGE difference! And my kidneys aren't aching all the time trying to process all the chemicals. I feel better than I have in over 20 years!

#394. This year Christmas isn't about spending a ton of money on the kids and my I am having a deeper awareness of what this season is REALLY about. Again, freedom is coming through restriction. Go figure!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Interesting observations via your items of thanks.