Monday, February 25, 2013

#751. Traveling with hubby on his business trip.

#752. That while I am traveling with hubby, I get to play tennis with one of my favorite peeps for hitting of his associates from another state. What a delightful surprise!

#753. Stars glimmer brightly in the winter night as we are warmed by our out-door propane heater.

#754. The joy in my husband as he enjoyed track day at Infineon on Friday.

#755. That I finished the final "rough" draft (does that make sense?) of two more sample chapters in From Fear to Faith on the Path of Praise. Now, an editor will make them shine (I hope!).

#756. That I get to coach clients in applying the Thin Within principles. What JOY there is in encouraging others!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I may have a suggestion for an editor. Let me know via email..