Sunday, April 15, 2007

Entry #6

#51 The flavor of the wonderful barbeque sauce used at Main Street Pizza for their barbeque burger! YUMMMMMY!

#52 That a "small half" of the burger is more than enough food. I am so thankful that it takes so little food to sustain me. What a blessing. I am a "cheap date!" LOL!

#53 For a pastor who esteems the Word of God and exorts his flock to love the Word and be emersed in it.

#54 For a class at church today...first time...on studying the bible inductively. I get so much joy in seeing others discover God's Word this way! What a joyful thing!

#55 The promise of lessons astride a ranch horse on Tuesday. I hope to be "in training" while Harley is in Ione in training. I want to change and be what he needs when he returns. I am thankful for that opportunity so close to my house.

#56 That God has removed 55 pounds from my body. God has done it. That much is clear. Left to my own devices, I can pack it on again.

#57 My 14 year old son is reading! I mean...choosing to read! How bizarre is that! THANK YOU LORD!

#58 Daniel seemed to be positive and happy today in church. Another PRAISE to God for this.

#59 The smiles of friends and acquaintances at church.

#60 That it is true...better is one day doing what God *calls* me to matter what it is...if I KNOW it is from Him...that is WAY better than a thousand days doing ANYthing--no matter how "wonderful," if HE isn't behind it!

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