#202 - When God opens a door clearly, what a blessing it is. To know that I am walking in His will, His ways...doing that which he prepared for me to do from before time began. What a blessing that is!
#203 - For Neighborhood Fellowship Group last night. It was nice to be with friends, sharing a meal...and the home we were in was so cozy and festive with holiday decorations laid out in such a lovely way.
#204 - For Jordan, my dog from the Sacramento Animal Shelter. He is a HUGE blessing to our family.

He takes on the energy of our crazy golden retriever, Daisy, and deals with it so much better than we ever did. He "smiles" this big funny toothy grin when he sees us. He is so well-mannered (most of the time) and is the best animal thing we have done in a long time.
#205 - A wonderful friend's little Arab mare, Tani, that I got to ride yesterday. She is so willing and eager and calm and reliable and just THE best.
#206 - For a horse back ride with my daughter yesterday. It was a bit warmer than it had been, but with the sun out and it was cool, crisp, beautiful...and the horses were dialed in and on our page. I loved having time with my daughter.
#207 - Twice this last week, my two kids and I did a three way group hug...This is HUGE! Daniel doesn't ordinarily want to show any physical affection for Michaela...but twice he did. Oh, how it makes my heart sing when that happens!
#208 - Daniel confessed his concern about a new computer game that he had bought..I guess it affected his conscience. I praise God that this is the case...his tender heart and willingness to confess his need not to play it.
#209 - For my husband's diligence...he has faithfully worked at getting our horse trailer screened as required by the property owners association. Yesterday we completed one big part of it and I am thankful for that and thankful for him.
#210 - I have loved all the rainless days we have had. I know that is about to end with the storm system coming in. I have enjoyed getting to ride four times this past week...three with friends...what a blessing! I have so loved getting to know one friend from church better as we have ridden this fall together 1 to 3 times each week together as the weather has allowed. We have similar hearts for our horses and training and we pray together before we go out...Thank you, Lord.