Saturday, January 12, 2013

#618 For the companionship, partnership, joy--and even sorrows--over the past 30 years (28 of them married) with Bob Bylsma. It has been a "slingshot around the sun" and I am grateful! No more coy disguises.

#619 That no matter what challenges God ordains in my life, he is sovereign and he is good. He intends these challenges to purify, perfect, and be for the best.

#620 For a home in the is beautiful and like being on a mountain retreat. I can't imagine ever leaving this place. How could I leave paradise for anyplace other than heaven?

#621 For the freedom to come and go as I please...I have been spoiled these many years and haven't fully appreciated the incredible life that God has given me through Bob.

#622 That God provides the strength I need *as* I need it. Bob's mom taught me so many years ago (I miss you, Phyll!) that God won't give me the grace I need one moment before I need it, but when I need it, he will supply it abundantly! (To quote yet another line from Star Trek IV, "Now would be a good time, Mr. Scott!")

#623 That I can choose to praise my God no matter what I face. This is an amazing, powerful truth. If people change, if pain (physical or emotional) is beyond belief, if those I love die, if I can't see through to tomorrow, one thing I *can* is praise. No one can take that from me! I can praise my God and experience the joy that comes from doing what I was created to do!

#624 For song...I can sing. It is amazing the way music affects the spirit. At least the way it affects MY spirit! I am so thankful, God, that you have given us music.

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