Wednesday, January 16, 2013

 #635 Chris Tomlin's latest album is flooded full of prayers that praise God for who he is and declare that I will lay myself down and surrender to God's will, God's way. This album has been HUGELY encouraging to me, putting words in my mind over and over again that are there as a prayer even when the music isn't playing.

#636 Thank you, Lord, for laughter with my husband--that in the past 24 hours we have laughed together about many things. After 30 years we still enjoy one another. What a blessing that is.

#637 For the choice you led me to make to give him a gift certificate that was given to me. He enjoyed the massage so much, Lord! It was his first! Thank you for that and for leading me to sharing that with him. I am sure I enjoyed hearing of his delight so much more than I would have enjoyed having that massage for myself!

#638 El Portal and sharing a chimichanga together.

#639 Looking across the table and seeing my husband.

#640 That you gave me a totally different attitude about jury duty. It is another adventure and gives me a sense of purpose for the next few days.

#641 For godly authors who have been willing to do the work of putting the ideas you have given them into print. I have been so encouraged by books I am reading. Thank you!

#642 For another trip to the gym in the early morning hours yesterday with Bob. It is fun to have him as a workout buddy.

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