Friday, January 18, 2013

#648. For the joy of being with Gil, Rob, John, Dwight, Ruary, and Pat last night at worship practice. What a pleasure and privilege it is to do life with these folks as we read a great book together, prayed together, shared together and sang and played music together. Just what my heart needed! I am so blessed!

Picture taken a long time ago...not of last night's practice. :-)

#649. For a peaceful and quick end to the court trial I served on the jury for. Our deliberations went quickly and the people were really a wonderful group. It sort of renewed my hope about people, Lord! Thank you!

#650. For my God List--a comprehensive, ever-added-to, list of God's attributes and ways he interacts with people. I have been adding to my list for a few years now and recently, I have been adding even more. When I can't see my way to offer a prayer or to have a decent thought, I can pull out my God List (which I have cleverly put in Evernote, so it syncs with my iPad, iPod, phone, and laptop and is always updated everywhere!) and just read what I have there back to God in praise to him. It is precisely what my soul needs. When I am feeling all alone, I can, with an act of my will choose to praise him this way. He inhabits the praises of his people and I testify that his presence becomes very real when I choose to praise him.

#651. The ease of putting together a simple new website with WordPress. Come visit it! Tennis Fun for Kids will be added to regularly as my tennis business progresses. I never cease to be amazed at how clever people are, making a tool like this. I remember only 14 years ago when most of what I used to make websites was a text editor and writing out html code! Wow! People are amazing.

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