#832. Abundance - no physical lack for shelter, food, love.
#833. Physical health - the ability to move and have fun and play!
#834. The joy of being on the worship team!
#835. Being able to give things away that bless others to receive.
#836. Spending time with my friend, Aimee. I LOVE HER!
#837. God is "weaning me" from things...so my soul can be stilled and quieted...such a relief (Psalm 131:2)
#838. For tenderness between myself and a much loved family member, even through trials.
#839. For kind words extended to me when I have needed it most. Not just flattery, either, but kindness that reaches deep into my heart.
#840. For hugs from my 21 year old son who I don't get to see enough!
#841. My accountability partner. Boy, do I put her through the paces!
#842. For Judy Halliday and the investment she has placed in me over the many years...even when I am sure I have tried her patience!
#843. It is good to be home for a while...and I relish my "alone" time!
#844. For the trials that God has ordained. They have caused me to cling to him and to begin to know him so much more.
#845. For my rides on Harley! One of my BIGGEST goals for 2013 has been accomplished...to ride my horse again!
#846. For a wonderful therapist who has helped me navigate through these challenging months (that have turned into years...wow!)
#847. For my new riding friend, Traci, who has made it possible for me to dare to go out riding.
#848. For secrets shared.
#849. Fun with Daisy Dog in the hammock!
#850. Soreness of muscles after exercise. What a good feeling.
#851. Beautiful "top down" weather in the convertible!
#852. The relief that comes with extending forgiveness.
#853. Sunshine through the living room window.
#854. For the confidence that I did the right thing in letting Jordan go to Rainbow Bridge when I did.
#855. For a productive weekend cleaning out the garage and the back deck!
#856. My clients! I am so fortunate!
#857. Conversation
#858. Barb Raveling and the things she writes that really cut to the chase and are used by God to teach and convict and heal and restore!
#859. That I get to share with the women in Mt. Vernon Washington in March. I can't wait to be with them.
#860. That I am aware of God's wonderful, saturating, loving presence so much in the moments of life.
#861. For a great bargain I got for our stay in Disneyland Grand Californian hotel in December!
#862. For my kids...They are adults now...I am so blessed to have two precious amazing kids. It still seems impossible. ME? Kids? And such great people they are.
#863. For great insights that come from other authors.
#864. For beautiful Pandora music!
#865. For the incredible relationship I have with Andrea...my sister. Who would have thought my mom's legacy to us would be such closeness with one another?
#866. All the things I am learning about God through my bible studies. My brain is on tilt! I love him so much!
#867. Keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus really is a "stabilizer" for life. It WORKS.
Gratitude transforms my life. My desire is to foster an attitude of gratitude in my life that I might be humble and keep my eyes focused on the Lord, instead of SELF! :-)
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Grand Cayman Blessings - Too Many To Count!
#823 - Amazing vacation in Grand Cayman. None of my fears were realized and dreams that I didn't know I had came true.
#824 - Warm night wind blowing across the water. Who would have thought we could sit outside each evening on the beach enjoying wind...so warm, yet refreshing at the same time!
#825 - My husband actually disconnected from work almost 100% for an ENTIRE WEEK! WOW!
#826 - Sunset washed the entire sky with peach, orange, purple, pink the last night we were in Grand Cayman. Sooooo beautiful.
#827 - Cantering horses on white sandy beaches. We felt like we were the only ones in the world!
#828 - Swimming out in the Caribbean Sea astride trustworthy "steeds." What an incredible experience to go bareback into the surf. Then, to ride them as they ran whither deep (not far as it is so strenuous). There is NOTHING that compares to that!
#829 - The giggles coming from my husband as we did #828 above! That was PRICELESS and worth going to Cayman just to hear that. Unadulterated chuckles of joy...too awesome for words.
#830 - Sailing/motoring boat trip with Captain Patrick and Melech out to Stingray Sandbar and Barker's Reef. Barker's Reef was a virtually "virgin" part of the coral reef teeming with wildlife! Stingray Sandbar enabled us to feed stingray's and just swim with them. Without any other people. It was incredible.
#831 - Melech, the mate, on the sailboat was extremely knowledgeable about the wildlife, Cayman and just about anything and everything. I loved the science field trip feel he brought to our excursion.
#824 - Warm night wind blowing across the water. Who would have thought we could sit outside each evening on the beach enjoying wind...so warm, yet refreshing at the same time!
#825 - My husband actually disconnected from work almost 100% for an ENTIRE WEEK! WOW!
#826 - Sunset washed the entire sky with peach, orange, purple, pink the last night we were in Grand Cayman. Sooooo beautiful.
#827 - Cantering horses on white sandy beaches. We felt like we were the only ones in the world!
#828 - Swimming out in the Caribbean Sea astride trustworthy "steeds." What an incredible experience to go bareback into the surf. Then, to ride them as they ran whither deep (not far as it is so strenuous). There is NOTHING that compares to that!
#829 - The giggles coming from my husband as we did #828 above! That was PRICELESS and worth going to Cayman just to hear that. Unadulterated chuckles of joy...too awesome for words.
#830 - Sailing/motoring boat trip with Captain Patrick and Melech out to Stingray Sandbar and Barker's Reef. Barker's Reef was a virtually "virgin" part of the coral reef teeming with wildlife! Stingray Sandbar enabled us to feed stingray's and just swim with them. Without any other people. It was incredible.
#831 - Melech, the mate, on the sailboat was extremely knowledgeable about the wildlife, Cayman and just about anything and everything. I loved the science field trip feel he brought to our excursion.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Thank you, Lord.
#813. Holly, Tom, Aimee, Laura -- wonderful friends who I have enjoyed spending time with. It is soooo wonderful to spend time with people who love Jesus.
#814. Active, athletic, energetic tennis friends new and old: Patti, Donna, Peggy, Greta, Linda, Molly, Mary, Edna, Donna, Gail, Carole, etc., etc. They make hitting fuzzy yellow balls a blast!
#815 Bubbly beverages. I love effervescence!
#816. That even if American Airlines cancelled my daughter's flight back to the States from London, they have, in the long run, made good on decent customer service - or I anticipate so. I pick Michaela up tomorrow evening. Can't wait to see her!
#817. Chipotle burritos. I can get four meals out of one burrito!
#818. The breeze softly drifting through the house as I have all the windows open. Lazy weather.
#819. Jesus meeting me on my deck in the early morning hours, bringing Scripture to life in new ways, saturating me with a sense of his presence and confidence in his love.
#820. Hope for three weeks with my girl-child before she goes back to college in Wheaton.
#821. Freshly cleaned saddle! I WILL ride again this year!
#822. The man-child has a distinct smell. I love when I smell it because it means he is near. I love him so much. Glad he is willing to meet me for breakfast or help me when my car goes into the shop.
#814. Active, athletic, energetic tennis friends new and old: Patti, Donna, Peggy, Greta, Linda, Molly, Mary, Edna, Donna, Gail, Carole, etc., etc. They make hitting fuzzy yellow balls a blast!
#815 Bubbly beverages. I love effervescence!
#816. That even if American Airlines cancelled my daughter's flight back to the States from London, they have, in the long run, made good on decent customer service - or I anticipate so. I pick Michaela up tomorrow evening. Can't wait to see her!
#817. Chipotle burritos. I can get four meals out of one burrito!
#818. The breeze softly drifting through the house as I have all the windows open. Lazy weather.
#819. Jesus meeting me on my deck in the early morning hours, bringing Scripture to life in new ways, saturating me with a sense of his presence and confidence in his love.
#820. Hope for three weeks with my girl-child before she goes back to college in Wheaton.
#821. Freshly cleaned saddle! I WILL ride again this year!
#822. The man-child has a distinct smell. I love when I smell it because it means he is near. I love him so much. Glad he is willing to meet me for breakfast or help me when my car goes into the shop.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Morning on the Deck
#809. The "Chatty Cathy" finches, singing, arguing, praising, chatting in the morning.
#810. Cool breeze playing with the leaves. Closing my eyes and feeling it caress my skin. Hearing the rustle of the leaves.
#811. Sunlight playing in the dancing leaves.
#812. Warm morning with as much promise for the day as any day. How I *feel* about things doesn't have to *dictate* what is. God's mercies are new.
Friday, June 7, 2013
#801. Home. It's good to be there.
#802. Home. My heavenly, eternal home...an inheritance that can't diminish, perish, spoil or fade...ever before me. The hope of it, encourages me. I long for *that* home!
#803. Incredible tennis with someone my husband works with in Houston. We rendevous every time we can...we have twice now in Houston, twice in Auburn/Roseville, once in Las Vegas, and once at Newport Beach. I think we have a tennis addiction! Great lady and fun fun fun fun FUN tennis!
#804. The blessing that happens...broadsides, really...when your (recently adult-ed) child makes a difficult, but great decision.
#805. I want to be able to type into this list "For the times when God keeps me waiting." I am not there yet--not able to honestly post that. But I am grateful that I even want to be able to be grateful for it. I know that this is a start.
#806. For a visit with my sis-in-law when I was in Houston. Fun. And for the praying, too!
#807. For the healing power present in praise and gratitude. God is present all the time, but there is something about praising Him that seems to make him that much more palpable...and gratitude, too.
#808. The story of Hagar in the Scriptures...who, when despondent...met God and gave him the name "The God Who Sees Me." I love that. My God sees me...he knows everything. What a precious truth.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Life is a Road Trip
#796. Scent of wet Idaho soil, turned over, watered, faith and hope of a farmer displayed to challenge and encourage me.
#797. Meandering river seemingly leading to a holy treasure...a mountain range in the distance.
#798. This amazing country is filled with incredible beauty...mountains, deserts, rivers, forests, lakes, salty plains...and people of such diversity. How creative is our God!
#799. A great truck that didn't even hesitate to go over 4000 miles, through desert, mountains, snow, rain, and warm sun...never skipped a beat!
#800. Music that causes One Loved to think of me with a smile and to call me to say so. :-)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
#790. Hugs and kisses from my Babydre! A trip to Chicago, planned, hoped for, and that happened!
#791. Anticipation of many "new things" that God is up to. When he does a "new thing" it is always good..,even if it doesn't always feel like it.
#792. Special friends who take hot tea to my baby when she is sick and I can't be there!
#793. Bubbles!
#794. Sweet, warm horse breat and soft muzzle.
#795. Optimism. Almost 21 year old son returning from a year at bible college to an apartment of his own! A new chapter in his life will begin one month from today. :-)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
#785. Great Horned Owl calling in the twilight, echoing in the forest. More mysterious wonder. All God's creatures!
#786. Chorus of frogs, crickets, turkeys, and owls singing in the early evening.
#787. Phone call from baby girl. Joy in her voice puts a song in my heart!
#788. Drifting to sleep held by One Loved.
#789. Forgiveness...worth the pain and the fight.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
#776. Redbud blooming throughout the canyons here in the Motherlode! God decorates his world in early spring with such beauty.
#777. Trees draped with green. Spring is here!
#778. Aimee
#779. Tennis friends who are just such wonderful people - yesterday seeing Teresa, Linda (both Lindas!), Pam, Mary, Donna, Rick, and Bill. It is so refreshing to be with such wonderful people. I am blessed.
#780. Bob's partnership with Thin Within materials. His help with videos and audios.
#781. Conversation with Judy Halliday about the future and linking arms again.
Friday, March 22, 2013
#772. That even though my husband's commitment to the Lord and "til death do us part" has waned (evaporated, disappeared, died...whatever), he still seems to enjoy being together. It is a challenging thing to value that so much...when what I long for MOST is for him to know the *true* Jesus intimately and personally and see life as a grand adventure because of walking with the King of the Universe. Nevertheless, I am grateful today that Bob still walks with me and maybe, just maybe, he will yet fall in love with the Savior.
#773. That the change in my husband's commitment to our marriage causes me to be dependent on GOD ALONE. Nothing is certain except Christ.
#774. For the joy of the study with the people at my Thin Within Blog. It is so wonderful to see lives impacted by studying together and sharing in an online community.
#775. For a GREAT conversation on the phone yesterday with a dear long-time mentor and friend, Judy Halliday. For the future, as we link arms once again going forward. God really IS doing a new thing!
Monday, March 18, 2013
#767. For the words, "Will you retire with me to Colorado?" The feeling that eyes, heart, and mind are looking to a future together. I will not take this for granted. Thank you, Lord.
#768. Sunshine warmth, even while working, out on the deck with my husband--my husband--next to me.
#769. My feelings do not get to dictate or predict the future. I am so glad this is true. That in speaking truth to my soul (the gospel is the best place to start), my feelings fall in line.
#770. For the way God is at work in the women connecting at http://www.godisdoinganewthing.com
#771. That I get to travel with my husband "for business," with an extra day in Disneyland together. So many memories. So many years.
#768. Sunshine warmth, even while working, out on the deck with my husband--my husband--next to me.
#769. My feelings do not get to dictate or predict the future. I am so glad this is true. That in speaking truth to my soul (the gospel is the best place to start), my feelings fall in line.
#770. For the way God is at work in the women connecting at http://www.godisdoinganewthing.com
#771. That I get to travel with my husband "for business," with an extra day in Disneyland together. So many memories. So many years.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
#765. For the book, 1000 Gifts, and the companion devotional. Today's words are for me...
"He takes my empty hands and draws me close to the thrum of Love. You may suffer loss but in Me is anything ever lost, really? Isn't everything that belongs to Christ also yours?"
"If all the work of transfiguring the ugly into the beautiful pleases God, it is a work of beauty. Is there anything in this world that is truly ugly? That is curse? Can I believe the gospel, that God is patiently transfiguring all the notes of my life into the song of His Son?"
"God is always good and I am always loved."
"...take the pain that is given, give thanks for it, and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness."
#766. Matt Maher...surprise guest worship leader at church last night. It was SO awesome to worship to his music:
"Christ Is Risen"
Let no one caught in sin remain*
Inside the lie of inward shame
We fix our eyes upon the cross
And run to him who showed great love
And bled for us
Freely you bled, for us
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave!
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave!
Beneath the weight of all our sin
You bow to none but heavens will
No scheme of hell, no scoffer's crown
No burden great can hold you down
In strength you reign
Forever let your church proclaim
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
The glory of God has defeated the night!
Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! he's alive!
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Rise up from the grave...
"He takes my empty hands and draws me close to the thrum of Love. You may suffer loss but in Me is anything ever lost, really? Isn't everything that belongs to Christ also yours?"
"If all the work of transfiguring the ugly into the beautiful pleases God, it is a work of beauty. Is there anything in this world that is truly ugly? That is curse? Can I believe the gospel, that God is patiently transfiguring all the notes of my life into the song of His Son?"
"God is always good and I am always loved."
"...take the pain that is given, give thanks for it, and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness."
#766. Matt Maher...surprise guest worship leader at church last night. It was SO awesome to worship to his music:
"Christ Is Risen"
Let no one caught in sin remain*
Inside the lie of inward shame
We fix our eyes upon the cross
And run to him who showed great love
And bled for us
Freely you bled, for us
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave!
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave!
Beneath the weight of all our sin
You bow to none but heavens will
No scheme of hell, no scoffer's crown
No burden great can hold you down
In strength you reign
Forever let your church proclaim
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
The glory of God has defeated the night!
Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! he's alive!
Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Rise up from the grave...
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
#757. That God is here, "even" in Las Vegas (something I wondered about the only other time I have been here many years ago...true confessions).
#758. My body surrendered to sleep. What a wonderful surprise!
#759. Smooth traveling mercies yesterday.
#760. Conversations with my daughter about the things she has been learning at Wheaton in her Old Testament Archeology class. God is faithful!
#761. Clear skies and the promise of a beautiful day.
#758. My body surrendered to sleep. What a wonderful surprise!
#759. Smooth traveling mercies yesterday.
#760. Conversations with my daughter about the things she has been learning at Wheaton in her Old Testament Archeology class. God is faithful!
#761. Clear skies and the promise of a beautiful day.
Monday, February 25, 2013
#751. Traveling with hubby on his business trip.
#752. That while I am traveling with hubby, I get to play tennis with one of my favorite peeps for hitting with...one of his associates from another state. What a delightful surprise!
#753. Stars glimmer brightly in the winter night as we are warmed by our out-door propane heater.
#754. The joy in my husband as he enjoyed track day at Infineon on Friday.
#755. That I finished the final "rough" draft (does that make sense?) of two more sample chapters in From Fear to Faith on the Path of Praise. Now, an editor will make them shine (I hope!).
#756. That I get to coach clients in applying the Thin Within principles. What JOY there is in encouraging others!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
#745. Spring has a smell. Even though it is February, I smell spring in the early mornings.
#746. The way smells are connected with memories so powerfully. The smell outside in the early mornings is associated for me with early morning horseback rides from years back. Makes me smile every time.
#747. The evening was warm last night. Perfect for sitting out on the deck. Even had my dinner out there while hubby smoked his cigar. We watched LOST under the stars!
#746. The way smells are connected with memories so powerfully. The smell outside in the early mornings is associated for me with early morning horseback rides from years back. Makes me smile every time.
#747. The evening was warm last night. Perfect for sitting out on the deck. Even had my dinner out there while hubby smoked his cigar. We watched LOST under the stars!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Hand of God - Image Courtesy of NASA |
#741. Brainstorming session with my special friend (who I met at Rock N Water last Spring) at lunch yesterday. We both have a passion to share the awesomeness of God's creation (environmental education) with the Church. Ooooh! We have so many ideas! We could be partners in crime! Quite dangerous together! LOL!
#742. The truth of this song: "Your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me...." This is the true Good News that I will celebrate today, Valentines Day. I am so glad that I know this truth and experience it daily.
#743. A surprise tennis get-together yesterday. The weather was wonderful and the tennis was fun. I loved being able to "sub" for a sick friend at the last minute!
#744. That gratitude given ignites joy in my heart. How backwards that is. But even as I find myself melancholy I can, with an act of my will, open my eyes to God's gifts bestowed, the blessings that he has placed in my life...and be changed. That is cool.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
#736. Laughter, good food, sweet time with hubby last night in between his trips out of town.
#737. Second, third, fourth...etc.... chances, do-overs.
#738. Hooded sweatshirts. I love having the hood on over my ears and neck. There is such a feeling of wonderful security that comes just from the feeling of my head being "cradled" by fleece! LOL!
#739. No matter what man does to me, I am soooo thankful that I ultimately trust in the sovereignty of God. There is nothing that can happen to me that He isn't ultimately responsible for. I can rest knowing that if he allows it, it is for my good and His glory and what better comfort could I receive than to know this truth deep down into the marrow of my bones?
#740. Lunch out with a friend today. I get to anticipate it all morning! YAY! I am so glad that God directed me to build my friendships. What special ladies He has brought into my life.
#737. Second, third, fourth...etc.... chances, do-overs.
#738. Hooded sweatshirts. I love having the hood on over my ears and neck. There is such a feeling of wonderful security that comes just from the feeling of my head being "cradled" by fleece! LOL!
#739. No matter what man does to me, I am soooo thankful that I ultimately trust in the sovereignty of God. There is nothing that can happen to me that He isn't ultimately responsible for. I can rest knowing that if he allows it, it is for my good and His glory and what better comfort could I receive than to know this truth deep down into the marrow of my bones?
#740. Lunch out with a friend today. I get to anticipate it all morning! YAY! I am so glad that God directed me to build my friendships. What special ladies He has brought into my life.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
#733. Thankful for a date with a certain blonde young man 30 years ago tonight. That is when it all began "officially." Although each day hasn't been perfect, we have had soooo many laughs and enjoyed one another--and life together--so much. We have really lived. We have really loved. And we have done it well by the grace of God and, I think, for His glory. Here is to the next 30!
#734. For the anticipation all day of rendezvousing with the same "young" man tonight at our favorite restaurant to celebrate.
#735 Clarity. Clarity is such a gift. It makes things so much simpler, even when the clear instruction isn't easy.
#734. For the anticipation all day of rendezvousing with the same "young" man tonight at our favorite restaurant to celebrate.
#735 Clarity. Clarity is such a gift. It makes things so much simpler, even when the clear instruction isn't easy.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
#728. Smoky conversations on the back deck in the winter sun. God is at work even in the haze (both figurative and literal!).
#729. A moment in time when I look upon a sea of people (this time at a tennis club) and capture a glimpse of God's heart. He sees each and every one of them. He knows them intimately and he loves them all so very much. What a joy to have my eyes opened ever-so briefly.
#730. The purification work of a trial--even when that trial is caused by the sin of another. God uses it to show me that there is so much room yet for much needed growth. It is painful to see, but so necessary.
#729. A moment in time when I look upon a sea of people (this time at a tennis club) and capture a glimpse of God's heart. He sees each and every one of them. He knows them intimately and he loves them all so very much. What a joy to have my eyes opened ever-so briefly.
#730. The purification work of a trial--even when that trial is caused by the sin of another. God uses it to show me that there is so much room yet for much needed growth. It is painful to see, but so necessary.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
#724. Being awakened by a snore, a jerking leg, a turning in the night...it means I am next to the one I love. I will be thankful for this moment now.
#725. Beautiful synthesizer and vocal music from Bob Kilpatrick that can play even as I have my quiet time, offering an atmosphere of holy worship and stillness.
#726. Anticipation of breakfast out with the one I love.
#727. How purposing to love stirs love, causing it to grow.
#725. Beautiful synthesizer and vocal music from Bob Kilpatrick that can play even as I have my quiet time, offering an atmosphere of holy worship and stillness.
#726. Anticipation of breakfast out with the one I love.
#727. How purposing to love stirs love, causing it to grow.
Friday, February 8, 2013
#721. Magnetized refrigerator - perfect place for memories that can be seen and relished frequently.
#722. A wonderful first session with my very first client for life/TW coaching!
#723. I was lonely and crying my eyes out, even in the darkness before dawn in the horse corral ...doing horse chores with a headlamp. A friend called to pray with me. Just out of the blue...I felt so incredibly loved and "singled out" by God! Thank you, Lord!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
#718. God makes me an optimist. I know I can't manage my life, but I also know that HE can. I am feeling so weary today and in a strange way, I guess I am grateful for that because now I get to see what HE is going to do with that. And I know that HE is the God of miracles. When I am backed up against a wall, when I see no way out, when there is nothing left and I am a mess, that is when I am most desperate and I have a chance to see him most clearly. So, today ought to be a day when I get to see the Lord at work in an amazing way! He has a LOT to work with today!
#719. Sweatshirts, freshly laundered. Softness, warmth. I love having a hood of my favorite "hoodie" on over my neck and ears. There is something strangely comforting about it!
#720. Snoring dogs.
#719. Sweatshirts, freshly laundered. Softness, warmth. I love having a hood of my favorite "hoodie" on over my neck and ears. There is something strangely comforting about it!
#720. Snoring dogs.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
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Photo Courtesy of iStockPhoto.com |
#711. The light,, reflections, and shadows play on the wall and the dog tries to capture them. Such whimsical, happy, silliness.
#712. Late night hand holding while watching Net Flix with hubby.
#713. Words of reassurance. I will choose to believe that this is God at work and not a temporary "mood" or whim offered by the one my heart loves.
#714. Clarity that comes through disappointments. Sometimes, God's will is made clearer by the closed doors along the way. Whether closed door or open, clarity is a sweet gift.
#715. Daily phone calls from the girl baby.
#716. Man-child's post on Facebook: "50 likes and my Mom has to visit me for spring break!" Love it. I love that he *wants* me to visit.
#717. Phone call mid-day yesterday from a relatively new friend on the same tennis team as me. How did she know I needed reassurance before playing my first match for her team? That sure touched my heart. Thank you, Lord.
Monday, February 4, 2013
#707. That this is true:
I choose today to thank God for my latest trial. I know that it is causing deeper intimacy with Him, even as I must cling to him for all I am worth--at times, it feels like my strength will totally give way and I will be lost into a maelstrom of dark emotion. Yet, like Matt Redman sings "Oh no, you never let go." Which leads me to another blessing...
#708. That God never ever lets go of me. He will never forsake me.
#709. For the drama that is played out before me each morning, acting as a prophecy of sorts for life...the shroud of darkness that is over the world, can't withstand the breaking of the dawn. Light will come. Darkness will have to flee and light will be victorious. Daily, this gives hope. As faithful as God has been each day with a new sunrise, he has been faithful in bringing the dawn in my life when I have faced dark trials. Just as I sit here knowing that there will be light in the world today (even as it is pitch black outside), I can know that there will be a moment in my life when the darkness has passed and I will live in light again.
There is a depth of intimacy with God that can only be known through suffering. There is a reliance on Him that can only be experienced when everything else around my soul seems to give way.From Laura Story's book, "What if Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops"
I choose today to thank God for my latest trial. I know that it is causing deeper intimacy with Him, even as I must cling to him for all I am worth--at times, it feels like my strength will totally give way and I will be lost into a maelstrom of dark emotion. Yet, like Matt Redman sings "Oh no, you never let go." Which leads me to another blessing...
#708. That God never ever lets go of me. He will never forsake me.
#709. For the drama that is played out before me each morning, acting as a prophecy of sorts for life...the shroud of darkness that is over the world, can't withstand the breaking of the dawn. Light will come. Darkness will have to flee and light will be victorious. Daily, this gives hope. As faithful as God has been each day with a new sunrise, he has been faithful in bringing the dawn in my life when I have faced dark trials. Just as I sit here knowing that there will be light in the world today (even as it is pitch black outside), I can know that there will be a moment in my life when the darkness has passed and I will live in light again.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
#701. The cleansing freedom of tears, the relief that comes from just letting it all out, the knowing that my Father sees my tears and that, one day, there will be no more tears. There will be no need for that cleansing and that relief.
#702. The heart connection with my sister....two people with vastly different views of life, yet there is a deep abiding love that blows my mind.
#703. For friends who walked with me yesterday. Thank you, Sally and Barb!
#704. The horseback riding memories of Omstead, rushing back through my mind as I walked the path yesterday with my own two feet instead of astride the back of a four-legged.
#705. The cleansing (there's that word again) of being outside in a beautiful place.
#706. I get to live in one of the most amazing places on earth. The canyon road is filled with tourists and people hiking, biking and even kayaking. They have to drive (some of them a long way) to be here and I live here. What a blessing!
Friday, February 1, 2013
#695. My wonderful chair... I have long wanted a chair and ottoman like the one I am sitting in now. Since last summer, I have enjoyed having my quiet times in this chair, savored moments cuddling my kids and husband in this chair (it is a "double wide" LOL!), and relished communing with God here. I love my chair.
#696. Seeing light bulb moments happen for a child. Yesterday, it was Emelia on the tennis court as she hit one backhand after another, just right. 18...20...24 in a row! The joy that sparkled behind her eyes, the grin that overtook her face...it was a precious treasure for me.
#697. When I have something on my "To Do" list and get to mark through it... DONE! WOOT!
#698. This is huge: That my joy isn't dependent on my circumstances. This joy that I have...the world didn't give it to me. The world didn't give it and the world can't take it away!
#699. Reading together with "the guys" at worship team practice on Thursday nights. It is one of the highlights of my week. I love hanging with these folks that love God and are passionate worshipers on a quest to love God more. Guys, you inspire me to seek Him all the more! I am thankful for you!
#700. Waking up during the night and seeing that it is only 12:30...YAY! I get another five hours of sleep! That is always a happy moment!
#696. Seeing light bulb moments happen for a child. Yesterday, it was Emelia on the tennis court as she hit one backhand after another, just right. 18...20...24 in a row! The joy that sparkled behind her eyes, the grin that overtook her face...it was a precious treasure for me.
#697. When I have something on my "To Do" list and get to mark through it... DONE! WOOT!
#698. This is huge: That my joy isn't dependent on my circumstances. This joy that I have...the world didn't give it to me. The world didn't give it and the world can't take it away!
#699. Reading together with "the guys" at worship team practice on Thursday nights. It is one of the highlights of my week. I love hanging with these folks that love God and are passionate worshipers on a quest to love God more. Guys, you inspire me to seek Him all the more! I am thankful for you!
#700. Waking up during the night and seeing that it is only 12:30...YAY! I get another five hours of sleep! That is always a happy moment!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
#690. The luxury of this moment. I love that I have moments like this...where I could be doing a million things but either because of where I am (perhaps waiting for something/someone) or because it is "in between" the "must do" moments of life, I get to just sit, contemplate, be still, wait and enjoy. These moments are precious.
#691. That through one of the most difficult trials of my adult life, God is showing me that the strategies that he has taught me over the years work. I can do this trial for the glory of God. This isn't just some sort of bizarre, unhealthy, dysfunctional, denial. It is God at work, doing a new thing.
#692. For baby girl's chipper voice last night on the phone. For the friendships she is developing, that she is experiencing life outside the four walls she grew up in (and the mom who sheltered her oh-so-overly-thoroughly), and that she is planning to go to England this summer. Wow...I am in awe of all she is becoming.
#693. For the soft heart of the "baby boy," who is still willing to apologize for an email sent too hastily. I treasure that he is so willing to reconsider his words--and do the right thing.
#694. For the crazy technology that allows us to connect with people on the other side of the world instantly, to share a message, to post a video for others to view...gosh...it really is amazing!
#691. That through one of the most difficult trials of my adult life, God is showing me that the strategies that he has taught me over the years work. I can do this trial for the glory of God. This isn't just some sort of bizarre, unhealthy, dysfunctional, denial. It is God at work, doing a new thing.
#692. For baby girl's chipper voice last night on the phone. For the friendships she is developing, that she is experiencing life outside the four walls she grew up in (and the mom who sheltered her oh-so-overly-thoroughly), and that she is planning to go to England this summer. Wow...I am in awe of all she is becoming.
#693. For the soft heart of the "baby boy," who is still willing to apologize for an email sent too hastily. I treasure that he is so willing to reconsider his words--and do the right thing.
#694. For the crazy technology that allows us to connect with people on the other side of the world instantly, to share a message, to post a video for others to view...gosh...it really is amazing!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
#685. The gradient in the sky at dawn and the silhouettes of the barren trees. It really is serene.
#686. For the capacity humans have been created with to experience pleasure.
#687. Texts from my 18 year old daughter that cause me to know she is thinking of me in the midst of her busy life.
#688. For devotions that just "happen" to speak to the very thing that I have a heart burden for. It is a love note from the Lord straight to my heart. An answer to my plea, "Please, Lord, I need some encouragement....just to know you are there!"
#689. A wonderful time playing tennis with a player I admire who stopped to pray for me. Wow...what a gift that was. A holy moment. There. On. The. Tennis. Court.
#686. For the capacity humans have been created with to experience pleasure.
#687. Texts from my 18 year old daughter that cause me to know she is thinking of me in the midst of her busy life.
#688. For devotions that just "happen" to speak to the very thing that I have a heart burden for. It is a love note from the Lord straight to my heart. An answer to my plea, "Please, Lord, I need some encouragement....just to know you are there!"
#689. A wonderful time playing tennis with a player I admire who stopped to pray for me. Wow...what a gift that was. A holy moment. There. On. The. Tennis. Court.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
#681. This may sound gross, but well...I am grateful for this anyhow. My husband has this great big bushy mustache and last night he kissed me right after having a drink of water. When he kissed me, he "transported" a bunch of water that was hanging in his mustache to my face. In the past, I have fussed a bit about that. Right now, I am so thankful for those drips of water that dribble onto my face when he kisses me. I wouldn't trade it for a dry face and no husband-kisses!
#682. Late-night Harley nickers that ask me why I am 4 hours late in bringing dinner!
#683. The incredible energy and unbridled joy of under-eight year old girls, squealing about hitting tennis balls with racquets! They came in as "new best friends" and celebrated moving their bodies with one another with such abandon!
#684. Down comforters in the early morning hours that cradle me so cozy.
#682. Late-night Harley nickers that ask me why I am 4 hours late in bringing dinner!
#683. The incredible energy and unbridled joy of under-eight year old girls, squealing about hitting tennis balls with racquets! They came in as "new best friends" and celebrated moving their bodies with one another with such abandon!
#684. Down comforters in the early morning hours that cradle me so cozy.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
#675. Making the bed with my husband. :-) What a sweet blessing it is.
#676. The humming sound of his M Roadster coming down the street at day's end.
#677. Friend's loving face across chips and salsa at Chevy's.
#678. One more sniff of Doc's mane.
#679. Early adulthood dream realized in the dawning of twilight years. Strange, God-ordained, irony!
#680. Buzzing cell phone--text from a friend who has been praying, asking, inquiring. What a blessing!
#676. The humming sound of his M Roadster coming down the street at day's end.
#677. Friend's loving face across chips and salsa at Chevy's.
#678. One more sniff of Doc's mane.
#679. Early adulthood dream realized in the dawning of twilight years. Strange, God-ordained, irony!
#680. Buzzing cell phone--text from a friend who has been praying, asking, inquiring. What a blessing!
Friday, January 25, 2013
#671. The redemption I find in writing about strategies that I am using to navigate through the rough waters of the trial I am going through. See my From Fear to Faith on the Path of Praise blog to see what I mean. It is such a blessing how it is encouraging me to write about it!
#672. A wonderful tennis lesson that I got to teach a little girl yesterday. What a delight she is to my heart!
#673. The fun, joy, and uplifting of my spirit to be at worship practice last night--I seem to say this each Friday. There is something "re-centering" about being there with others, talking about the book we are reading--about God's amazing faithfulness to us, about the joy of worshiping him no matter what, and then to sing praises even as we practice for Sunday. Last night, the songs were especially meaningful to me.
#674. The confidence that God has placed in my heart that HE WILL REDEEM THIS. (Guess redemption is a theme right now...I have to find value in what seems awful to me. I know I don't see the full story.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
#667. No matter what life brings, God is unchanging. There is such comfort in knowing that the Rock to which I cling is immovable, steadfast, strong.
#668. Sleeping dogs. There is something about a dog sleeping that captures the peace that I think God has for me when I stop, be still, and know.
#669. The quiet in the early morning hours.
#670. That God meets me, greets me, welcomes me, comforts me any time, any where.
#668. Sleeping dogs. There is something about a dog sleeping that captures the peace that I think God has for me when I stop, be still, and know.
#669. The quiet in the early morning hours.
#670. That God meets me, greets me, welcomes me, comforts me any time, any where.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
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Photo Courtesy of iStockPhoto.com |
#661. Establishing an almost daily "habit" of adding to this blog, is tranformative. I am so thankful for the way God uses thankfulness to change me.
#662. The joy that God is putting in my heart as I obey his calling during this challenging season. Who would have thought that scrambling so much to find a way to make a business out of teaching tennis would be so fulfilling? I don't think it is the business that is fulfilling, though. It is doing what I am called to do that makes what could be overwhelming to me so enjoyable.
#663. Discovering new truths just by living life with my eyes open!
#664. For the talented homeschool student I got to meet yesterday. Teaching him a tennis lesson was so much fun for me!
#665. Anticipating the transformation ahead as I continue to post to my Path of Praise blog. I can only post there what God is teaching me as it happens. It is a joy to do so.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
#656. The Psalms...I love that we have praises and songs to God captured for us for eternity. When I don't know what to say or sing, I can turn to the psalms...add some of what is there to my "God List" and praise God out loud by just reading to him what I find. Some of today's are:
- You answer me when I call (Psalm 4:1)
- You are a shield around me (Psalm 3: 3)
- You bestow glory on me and lift up my head (Psalm 3:3)
- You bring deliverance (Psalm 3:8)
- You are MY righteous God (Psalm 4:1)
- You give me relief from my distress (Psalm 4:1)
- You are merciful and hear my prayer (Psalm 4:1)
- The light of Your face, God, shines on me (Psalm 4:6)
- You fill my heart with greater joy than when the best of earth's gifts abound (Psalm 4:7)
- I lie down and sleep in peace because He alone makes me dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8)
- I can lie down and sleep, I awake again because the Lord sustains me (Psalm 3:5)
#660. The privilege of being with God's people to worship Him together.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
I have entered a new season of life...returning actively to the working world. Under the encouragement of my husband, I am pursuing teaching kids' tennis. To read more about it, please visit my new website: http://www.tennisfunforkids.com . My gratitude blog will include blessing found in this new season.
#652. To see a light come n for a child, igniting a love for tennis is amazing!
#653. For the ability to focus, to have meetings with key people, to fill out paperwork, make phone calls and other needed things!
#654. For one f my new titles (there are three!)... "Assistant Coach of Men's Tennis" for Sierra College. God has such a sense of humor. I will be helping with fundraising for the team...that is my primary duty. :-)
#655. For a parent who had been upset with being forgotten by another employee...in calling her and speaking to her, she extended such grace. What a blessing! I get to meet her child next week for tennis lessons. Yay!
#652. To see a light come n for a child, igniting a love for tennis is amazing!
#653. For the ability to focus, to have meetings with key people, to fill out paperwork, make phone calls and other needed things!
#654. For one f my new titles (there are three!)... "Assistant Coach of Men's Tennis" for Sierra College. God has such a sense of humor. I will be helping with fundraising for the team...that is my primary duty. :-)
#655. For a parent who had been upset with being forgotten by another employee...in calling her and speaking to her, she extended such grace. What a blessing! I get to meet her child next week for tennis lessons. Yay!
Friday, January 18, 2013
#648. For the joy of being with Gil, Rob, John, Dwight, Ruary, and Pat last night at worship practice. What a pleasure and privilege it is to do life with these folks as we read a great book together, prayed together, shared together and sang and played music together. Just what my heart needed! I am so blessed!
#649. For a peaceful and quick end to the court trial I served on the jury for. Our deliberations went quickly and the people were really a wonderful group. It sort of renewed my hope about people, Lord! Thank you!
#650. For my God List--a comprehensive, ever-added-to, list of God's attributes and ways he interacts with people. I have been adding to my list for a few years now and recently, I have been adding even more. When I can't see my way to offer a prayer or to have a decent thought, I can pull out my God List (which I have cleverly put in Evernote, so it syncs with my iPad, iPod, phone, and laptop and is always updated everywhere!) and just read what I have there back to God in praise to him. It is precisely what my soul needs. When I am feeling all alone, I can, with an act of my will choose to praise him this way. He inhabits the praises of his people and I testify that his presence becomes very real when I choose to praise him.
#651. The ease of putting together a simple new website with WordPress. Come visit it! Tennis Fun for Kids will be added to regularly as my tennis business progresses. I never cease to be amazed at how clever people are, making a tool like this. I remember only 14 years ago when most of what I used to make websites was a text editor and writing out html code! Wow! People are amazing.
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Picture taken a long time ago...not of last night's practice. :-) |
#649. For a peaceful and quick end to the court trial I served on the jury for. Our deliberations went quickly and the people were really a wonderful group. It sort of renewed my hope about people, Lord! Thank you!
#650. For my God List--a comprehensive, ever-added-to, list of God's attributes and ways he interacts with people. I have been adding to my list for a few years now and recently, I have been adding even more. When I can't see my way to offer a prayer or to have a decent thought, I can pull out my God List (which I have cleverly put in Evernote, so it syncs with my iPad, iPod, phone, and laptop and is always updated everywhere!) and just read what I have there back to God in praise to him. It is precisely what my soul needs. When I am feeling all alone, I can, with an act of my will choose to praise him this way. He inhabits the praises of his people and I testify that his presence becomes very real when I choose to praise him.
#651. The ease of putting together a simple new website with WordPress. Come visit it! Tennis Fun for Kids will be added to regularly as my tennis business progresses. I never cease to be amazed at how clever people are, making a tool like this. I remember only 14 years ago when most of what I used to make websites was a text editor and writing out html code! Wow! People are amazing.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
#643. For girlfriends who have reached out to me to invite me to do fun overnight getaways and retreats! The love of Christ is so real, extended to me through Diane, Suzi, and Jan.
#644. People are just so cool. The panel of jurors that have been "randomly" selected for this case are just a really wonderful batch of people.
#645. Crazy fun tennis last night with girls from Johnson Ranch. I met two new ladies and one was an absolute crazy woman! Being with them, I got to really let down. It felt so good. Thank you, Lord, for friends of all kinds--deep, contemplative, and fun and silly. People are amazing. LOL!
#646. For the opportunities that have been coming my way to teach tennis. I dreamed in high school and college of being able to be a tennis pro. While I am not officially that, I have so many opportunities to teach tennis right now to kids. It is sort of like living one of my life-long dreams. Thank you for that, Lord.
#647. The joy of having a long recess from court yesterday which allowed me to do some of the sit-down-paper-work-stuff I have had on my list to do for over a week. It was great to be able to get something accomplished that I didn't expect to have time to do while being on jury duty.
#644. People are just so cool. The panel of jurors that have been "randomly" selected for this case are just a really wonderful batch of people.
#645. Crazy fun tennis last night with girls from Johnson Ranch. I met two new ladies and one was an absolute crazy woman! Being with them, I got to really let down. It felt so good. Thank you, Lord, for friends of all kinds--deep, contemplative, and fun and silly. People are amazing. LOL!
#646. For the opportunities that have been coming my way to teach tennis. I dreamed in high school and college of being able to be a tennis pro. While I am not officially that, I have so many opportunities to teach tennis right now to kids. It is sort of like living one of my life-long dreams. Thank you for that, Lord.
#647. The joy of having a long recess from court yesterday which allowed me to do some of the sit-down-paper-work-stuff I have had on my list to do for over a week. It was great to be able to get something accomplished that I didn't expect to have time to do while being on jury duty.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
#635 Chris Tomlin's latest album is flooded full of prayers that praise God for who he is and declare that I will lay myself down and surrender to God's will, God's way. This album has been HUGELY encouraging to me, putting words in my mind over and over again that are there as a prayer even when the music isn't playing.
#636 Thank you, Lord, for laughter with my husband--that in the past 24 hours we have laughed together about many things. After 30 years we still enjoy one another. What a blessing that is.
#637 For the choice you led me to make to give him a gift certificate that was given to me. He enjoyed the massage so much, Lord! It was his first! Thank you for that and for leading me to sharing that with him. I am sure I enjoyed hearing of his delight so much more than I would have enjoyed having that massage for myself!
#638 El Portal and sharing a chimichanga together.
#639 Looking across the table and seeing my husband.
#640 That you gave me a totally different attitude about jury duty. It is another adventure and gives me a sense of purpose for the next few days.
#641 For godly authors who have been willing to do the work of putting the ideas you have given them into print. I have been so encouraged by books I am reading. Thank you!
#642 For another trip to the gym in the early morning hours yesterday with Bob. It is fun to have him as a workout buddy.
Monday, January 14, 2013
#628. Hubby imagining the next car we will buy ten years down the road...giving hope to my heart! (Just the thought of spending the next 10 years with this one that I love...)
#629. I have been grateful here before for them, but here it is again...I am grateful for his kisses. They are for me alone and I cherish each one.
#630. For late-night movies, sitting on the couch together, holding hands and sharing Diet (Caffeine-Free) Dr. Pepper. I see God in these moments.
#631. For menu planning with my husband and doing the shopping together, even at WalMart and Sam's Club on a Sunday evening! It is funny how doing it with him, transforms it from something I would *not* enjoy, to something I relish.
#632 For two treadmills, side-by-side at the gym. Again, it is such a wonderful thing the way something not typically enjoyed alone is transformed when done with someone loved.
#633 For every single day I wake up with my husband in my life (and in our bed!).
#634 How God answers prayer in such astonishing ways. Lord, do what it takes...
#629. I have been grateful here before for them, but here it is again...I am grateful for his kisses. They are for me alone and I cherish each one.
#630. For late-night movies, sitting on the couch together, holding hands and sharing Diet (Caffeine-Free) Dr. Pepper. I see God in these moments.
#631. For menu planning with my husband and doing the shopping together, even at WalMart and Sam's Club on a Sunday evening! It is funny how doing it with him, transforms it from something I would *not* enjoy, to something I relish.
#632 For two treadmills, side-by-side at the gym. Again, it is such a wonderful thing the way something not typically enjoyed alone is transformed when done with someone loved.
#633 For every single day I wake up with my husband in my life (and in our bed!).
#634 How God answers prayer in such astonishing ways. Lord, do what it takes...
Sunday, January 13, 2013
#625 For hand reaching over to hold mine as we drive to run our errands.
#626 For warm arms wrapped around me, comforting me.
#627 For hope that God authors. Hope in Him will not disappoint. He is inviting me to a new adventure of trust. He is more worthy of my trust than all my manipulations and machinations.
#626 For warm arms wrapped around me, comforting me.
#627 For hope that God authors. Hope in Him will not disappoint. He is inviting me to a new adventure of trust. He is more worthy of my trust than all my manipulations and machinations.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
#618 For the companionship, partnership, joy--and even sorrows--over the past 30 years (28 of them married) with Bob Bylsma. It has been a "slingshot around the sun" and I am grateful! No more coy disguises.
#619 That no matter what challenges God ordains in my life, he is sovereign and he is good. He intends these challenges to purify, perfect, and be for the best.
#620 For a home in the country...it is beautiful and like being on a mountain retreat. I can't imagine ever leaving this place. How could I leave paradise for anyplace other than heaven?
#621 For the freedom to come and go as I please...I have been spoiled these many years and haven't fully appreciated the incredible life that God has given me through Bob.
#622 That God provides the strength I need *as* I need it. Bob's mom taught me so many years ago (I miss you, Phyll!) that God won't give me the grace I need one moment before I need it, but when I need it, he will supply it abundantly! (To quote yet another line from Star Trek IV, "Now would be a good time, Mr. Scott!")
#623 That I can choose to praise my God no matter what I face. This is an amazing, powerful truth. If people change, if pain (physical or emotional) is beyond belief, if those I love die, if I can't see through to tomorrow, one thing I *can* do...it is praise. No one can take that from me! I can praise my God and experience the joy that comes from doing what I was created to do!
#624 For song...I can sing. It is amazing the way music affects the spirit. At least the way it affects MY spirit! I am so thankful, God, that you have given us music.
#619 That no matter what challenges God ordains in my life, he is sovereign and he is good. He intends these challenges to purify, perfect, and be for the best.
#620 For a home in the country...it is beautiful and like being on a mountain retreat. I can't imagine ever leaving this place. How could I leave paradise for anyplace other than heaven?
#621 For the freedom to come and go as I please...I have been spoiled these many years and haven't fully appreciated the incredible life that God has given me through Bob.
#622 That God provides the strength I need *as* I need it. Bob's mom taught me so many years ago (I miss you, Phyll!) that God won't give me the grace I need one moment before I need it, but when I need it, he will supply it abundantly! (To quote yet another line from Star Trek IV, "Now would be a good time, Mr. Scott!")
#623 That I can choose to praise my God no matter what I face. This is an amazing, powerful truth. If people change, if pain (physical or emotional) is beyond belief, if those I love die, if I can't see through to tomorrow, one thing I *can* do...it is praise. No one can take that from me! I can praise my God and experience the joy that comes from doing what I was created to do!
#624 For song...I can sing. It is amazing the way music affects the spirit. At least the way it affects MY spirit! I am so thankful, God, that you have given us music.
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